Ask Me Anything

with The Warning

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Being "The Adult in the Room"

Steve, How can you be the Adult in the Room and refer to our political adversaries in such hateful and demonizing terms? Calling them "loathsome, idiots, liars, etc."? All true and understandable of course but this language simply stirs us up, your listeners, into a hateful/war mentality of our own. How would you refer to your daughters if they went down the wrong road, developed addictions, hung out with the wrong crowd, becoming delinquents? You would not talk about your loathsome daughters. You would refer to them as troubled, addicted, and delinquent. Your reporting is excellent but your harsh and condemning language might make a bad situation worse. Thanks for all you do for us, Bob Quilitch Reno, NV

Why are we left with Biden as our only choice?

Although I was raised to be "independent" and have always defined myself as such, the majority of the time I have voted for candidates that belonged to the D party. My question is simply stated, though I suspect, not simply answered: Given the highly existential nature of this election, why, on God's Earth (if I may invoke God) did Biden insist on running given his patent weakness as a candidate - his own narcissism?. It's time for him to hang out on a golf course & write his memoir. He did what he promised Beau. Time to turn the baton over to a much younger attractive candidate - like you! Instead he has insisted on taking his country to the rim of the Grand Canyon and left us peering into the abyss. Relatedly, why the hell hasn't his inner sanctum of Democrats, not to mention Jill, or the party itself for that matter told him to hang up his stirrups. My wife and I travel mostly in liberal circles and no one, not 1 person, is enthusiastic about his candidacy. When WE, his guaranteed "base," is not enthusiastic, it is a dreadfully poor omen. I apologize for failing to make it brief. I am just grateful that my parents are not alive to witness this chapter unfolding. They gave their lives, in full measure, to the peace & "inalienable rights" of every citizen. Robert Prentky

An American Creed by Democrats 101

You said in an email recently: "We are all human beings. All human beings have dignity and basic rights. This is an elemental aspect of the American creed, and it must be defended ferociously and constantly.” Are you aware of the work done by Democrats 101 ( and their American/Democratic Creed: which has been adopted by over 45 counties and entities in 8 states. At the center of it is Freedom, Justice and Opportunity and the goal is a just society ... as long as it take. Any thoughts on their efforts?

Podcast versus YouTube Episodes

I thought I was signing up for your YouTube episodes. Are the Podcasts that I just subscribed to different?

Democrats Message

How can we get a message to the Biden teams re-election personnel? As you said, they need to improve the message.