Steve, does it seem to you that the Democrats, who are the only Praetorian Guard we have, are on a permanent wine break as the Repugnican barbarians smash through the gate and assault the castle of democracy? On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being a full defense of democracy, where would you rate the Dems? (I'd give them a 2) How do we get them to wake up?
Steve what is your opinion of Noam Chomsky? I saw an interview with him regarding the current state of American politics and agreed with his point regarding class struggle between big business/ corporate interests/ the private equity sector and "the rest of us" and how this is never addressed in the media, or taken up by either political party, except to promote the interests of the business/ ruling class. I also agreed with Chomsky that the current mess of more and more extreme partisan politics essentially reflects divisive cultural political "wedge issues" being used to distract or obfuscate the larger systemic changes that are increasingly concentrating wealth and empowering certain business interests, who then buy influence in the corrupted Congress. Physician burnout is one example of this trend of corporatization and pro-business systems creating a downward drift affecting an entire profession. Divisive wedge politics that obscure pro-business agendas have been a staple of the Republican party since Nixon. Abortion, LGBTQ, critical race theory, invasion at the border- all have legitimacy as issues, but serve to distract from the broader point of the concentration of power and wealth in this country. I wonder if this may be as much of a threat to democracy as Donald Trump or any particular extremists.
It’s clear the groundswell of attitudes and beliefs exposed and nurtured by the rise of Trump is not a passing fad. It’s real, scary and dangerous to democracy. What is the long term solution to reversing the damage done by the big lie and the unleashing of anti-democratic politics of the Trump era?
Compare and contrast Minnesota and her amazing legislative session to other Midwest states suffering from rights being stripped of their citizens? I am a Minnesotan, and issues I have for decades advocated for (abortion rights, reasonable gun safety, strong education funding, adult recreational cannabis, and the list goes on… infrastructure, climate, water safety ….) have seen good legislation pass and become law this session (DFL majority trifecta and a mandate from voters to make policy of course) Thanks Steve, for your continued voice in the wilderness of disinformation. I love the history you provide and the perspective that gives me for the current day. Marti Priest Hopkins, MN
Now that people (who really don’t give a sh!t) realize they can vote, and put people like MTG and Matt Gaetz in office….how do you put that genie back in the bottle? Like how do you honestly look forward and think “oh, this will pass” and we will get back to time when there are just politicians that disagree with on policy but I don’t question their patriotism or their hearts….or their mental state? I know….hahahah….seriously, though???
How can Biden showcase his record while simultaneously pointing out all of the freedoms we have already lost and will continue to lose to creeping fascism, disinformation, and fomented hatred? He needs to fight back HARD. Now. How would you advise his messaging?
I love your content. I look forward to it every day. How can Joe Biden frame his message to not only highlight his many accomplishments in office, but stress over and over how his legislation is helping ordinary Americans? How can he counter concerns about his age and address the hate and dangerous rhetoric of Republicans, MAGAs, and Donald Trump? What steps can he take to inject his message daily starting NOW? I wish you could run his campaign.
That’s from a tweet by a congressman, it was stupid. My question is is anyone taking these idiots seriously? Both by trying to figure out how to get them out of public life eventually by destroying tolerance for this bullshit, and also by very serious monitoring of social media and patterns. In other words, is anyone working on some Spiro Agnew shit?